Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Most expensive artwork


Qi Baishi - Modern Chinese painting masterimage.png

  Qi Baishi(January 1, 1864 - September 16, 1957), his ancestral home was Dangshan, Suzhou, Anhui Province, and he was born in Xiangtan, Changsha, Hunan Province (now Xiangtan, Hunan Province)。Formerly known as pure Zhi, word Weiqing, number Lanting。After the name Juan, the word is born, the number white stone, white stone mountain weng, old ping, hungry old, borrow the mountain Minyin owner, send ping Tang old man, three hundred stone printing rich man。  He is a modern Chinese painting master and a world cultural celebrity。He worked as a woodworker in his early years and then sold paintings for a living. He settled in Beijing at the age of 57。Good at painting flowers and birds, insects and fish, landscape, people, brush and ink strong moist, bright colors, concise and vivid modeling, honest and simple artistic conception。The fish, shrimp, worms and crabs are full of natural interest。Qi Baishi calligraphic scribe, take the method from the Qin and Han Dynasty tablet, the interest of running books, seal cutting into a family, good at writing poetry。He has served as honorary professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts and chairman of China Artists Association。  On the evening of December 17, 2017, Qi Baishi's work "Twelve landscape screens" appeared in the shooting field, and finally finished with 9.It sold for 31.5 billion yuan, making it the most expensive Chinese artwork ever sold。 

Disciple succession  

  There were many disciples of Qi Baishi, among whom were Li Kuchan, Li Keran, Wang Xuetao, Wang Shushi, Wang Cunjiu, Xu Linlu, Chen Dayu, Li Li, Lou Shibai, Zhang Dewen, Xiao Longshi, etc. The third son Qi Ziru, the drama master Mei Lanfang, and the famous Pingju opera writer Xin Fengxia were also his disciples。

Social evaluation

 "Qi Baishi is really a great painter in China!How amazing Chinese painters are!Qi Baishi painted fish with ink without color, but people see the long river and swimming fish。(Picasso comment) After Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi took the traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy a step forward and imported new life blood。Qi Baishi is an all-rounder. Qi Baishi endows his works with simple and fresh peasant emotion, and endows the literati painting form with new vitality and modernity。As an indefatigable pursuer, Qi Baishi's creative spirit displayed in his century-long struggle is exemplary。


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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

Address: Henan ProvinceArt and Art Museum, one floor, North Gate of the North District of the World Collection, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City   Contact number:400—829—9007

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