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Appreciate the enamels


enamelCourt control was extremely tight。制作它所需要的白瓷胎由景德镇御窑厂提供,运送到宫廷后,在皇帝的授意下,于内务府造办处珐琅作由宫廷画家精心彩绘,宫廷写字人题写诗句、署款,最后入炭炉经600℃左右焙烧而成。 珐琅料是一种人工烧炼的特殊彩料,雍正六年,1728年以前需依赖从欧洲进口,雍正六年以后,清宫造办处已能自炼20余种珐琅料,而且色彩种类比进口彩料更为丰富,遂使enamel瓷器的生产获得突飞猛进的发展。 康熙时期的enamel瓷器多以胭脂红、蛋黄及蓝色作地,还有一类特有的在宜兴紫砂胎上画enamel的器物。典型雍正、乾隆时期的enamel瓷器是诗、书、画、印相结合的艺术珍品,是中国古代彩瓷工艺臻达顶峰时期的产物。那些形状看似普通的enamel盘、碗、瓶等,已摆脱被用作餐具的功能,纯属能给人们视觉带来美的享受的艺术珍品。


         Porcelain body painting enamel is the most distinctive and the most exquisite color porcelain in the Qing Dynasty royal family's self-used porcelain。从康熙的色浓庄重至雍正的清淡素雅,到乾隆时的精密繁复的雍荣华贵,使珐琅,这一洋味十足的彩料在瓷器上得到淋漓尽致的发挥。Concentrated in western style,

       清廷平定台湾以后,禁海开放,西洋制品开始涌入,西洋珐琅便由广州等港口传入中国,并就地设厂研制,称之为洋瓷,宫中则称其为广珐琅。At that time, Guangzhou's products mostly retained the charm of Western culture, because the firing technology was not high, the glaze color was unstable。康熙五十八年(1719年),聘请法兰西画珐琅艺人陈忠信来京,在内廷珐琅处指导烧造画珐琅器。Its style and pattern are mainly Chinese style, with few characteristics of Western painting enamel。
     Enamel, also known as "Lang", "Lang", "blue", is a kind of vitrified substance。It takes feldspar and quartz as the main raw materials,Add soda ash and borax as the flux,Titanium oxide, antimony oxide, fluoride and so on as emulsion,Add copper oxide, cobalt oxide, iron oxide, manganese oxide, antimony oxide and other colorants,After grinding, mixing, calcination, melting,Pour into water to get enamel frit,After fine grinding, the enamel powder is obtained。The enamel powder is mixed and applied on metal objects such as gold, silver and copper. After roasting, it becomes metal tire enamel。If it is glass, it is called glass enamel;Those who use porcelain as a body are called porcelain body enamel。
     The creation and burning of enamel in porcelain painting is closely related to Kangxi Emperor's love for enamel painting。康熙十九年(1680年),朝廷在紫禁城内武英殿附近设置珐琅作,主要生产铜胎掐丝珐琅和錾胎珐琅。康熙二十二年:1683年:清政府收复台湾,废除海禁,欧洲的金属胎画珐琅器作为贵重工艺品,
        They were brought to Guangzhou by missionaries who came to China and paid tribute to the Imperial Court。这些舶来的画珐琅器以它精细的彩绘技法和华丽的装饰风格,而深受皇宫贵族和广州地方官员和土庶的喜爱。From the private letters of European missionaries of the time,The Kangxi Emperor was also interested in this foreign stuff,And try to make Chinese enamel artisans master this technique,So Guangzhou and Beijing inner court enamel artisans in the two test fire painting enamel,Over a period of about 10 years,Successfully fired our country's metal tire painting enamel,
           康熙五十五年(1716年)以后,随着广州和欧洲的画珐琅器制作匠师进入内廷,参与指导造办处珐琅器的生产,甚至亲自操作,画珐琅器的生产遂呈现繁荣景象。康熙五十五年,经广州巡抚杨琳推荐,广东画珐琅匠师潘淳、杨士章,并有西洋人三名,法蓝(珐琅)匠二名,徒弟二名,进入内廷。康熙五十七年,奏准武英殿珐琅作改归养心殿,增设监造一人,显示出康熙皇帝对珐琅器生产的重视。In 1719, in the 58th year of Kangxi, the French painting enamel artist Chen Zhongxin was summoned to the Imperial Court to guide the production of painting enamel。With the joint efforts of Chinese and foreign craftsmen, the Palace enamel production Office quickly mastered the enamel firing technology of metal tire painting.
       康熙时期的enamel瓷器因处于初创阶段,从色彩搭配、纹饰布局到款识内容和样式,均摹仿当时铜胎画珐琅的效果。外壁画面大多以黄、蓝、红、豆绿、绛紫等色彩作地,再利用各种颜色的彩料以双勾技法描绘缠枝牡丹、月季、莲花等花卉图案,且有花无鸟。There are also four flowers filled in the "Wan" "long" spring "and other birthday greetings, the style is rigorous and gorgeous。The color materials used are imported from the West, and the paintings used are provided by the Ruyi Museum under the Palace Building Office。Due to the thick application of color, the pattern has a sense of heap convex, and there are small cracks。Kangxi enamel porcelain also have individual directly in the palace of the old collection of Ming Yongle white porcelain plate。康熙时还有一种宜兴紫砂胎画珐琅器,现多收藏于台北故宫博物院,当时称为“宜兴胎画珐琅”,造型有执壶、提梁壶、盖碗、盖盅等。The theme of decoration is mostly flowers。有直接在紫砂胎上彩绘的,也有的可能是考虑到紫砂胎不象白瓷那样细腻光滑,就先在胎上涂抹褐色彩作地,然后再进行彩绘,褐色彩的颜色不仅酷似于紫砂的颜色,而且使器物表面的光泽增强。This brown color is only applied to the outer walls of the objects, not the inside。康熙时瓷胎画珐琅的款识均署在器物外底,大多为“康熙御制”四字双行红色或蓝色图章式堆料款,围以双方框,框线外粗内细。个别的如北京故宫博物院收藏的紫地enamel缠枝莲纹瓶,外底阴刻“康熙御制”四字双行款,外围阴刻单线方框。There are also individual artifacts such as the Kangxi painted enamel lotus pattern Rhombus plate (Yongle white porcelain body) collected by the Taipei Palace Museum


Begonia double wire frame。宜兴胎画珐琅用黄色珐琅料写款,可能是因为黄色能与褐色地形成鲜明对比的缘故,而若以褐色地衬托红或蓝色料款则不够鲜明醒目。
During the Yongzheng period, Emperor Yongzheng paid more attention to the production of enamel porcelain and put forward rather strict requirements。雍正元年(1723年)随着宫廷造办处人员的扩充,以及在雍正帝最信赖的怡亲王雍正帝的十三弟允祥的主持下,enamel瓷器的生产在造办处珐琅作积极展开。However, from the records of the Qing Dynasty archives, the production of enamel porcelain before Yongzheng six years ago was slow, and the Yongzheng Emperor was not satisfied with it。The reason may be because enamel materials need to rely on Western imports, the quantity is limited, must be used carefully, not wrong damage caused。Such as Qing Yongzheng, Western countries......Yongzheng returned to pay tribute in May of the fourth year...14 pieces of enamel。Another example is, "On February 4, Yongzheng Two year, Prince Yi handed in five white cup, two of which have dark dragon.。Order: This cup burnt enamel。钦此。On February 23, two pieces were burned, and the chief eunuch informed Prince Yi。According to the king, the remaining three pieces should be carefully burned。遵此。On May 18, three white porcelain painted enamel wine glasses were made, and Prince Yi presented them。
        From Nian Jiyao, one of Emperor Yongzheng's important officials, we can also understand the firing situation of enamel porcelain at this time。Such as "Yongzheng year, February 9th,From the Yi Zhai to the royal gift new enamel tube eyes two,One eyeOn these quills,Nian Jiyao said on February 12 in Xie Zeli: Chen Fu 覩 enamel quillings,elaborate,Pretty in colour,Be greatly admired,I'm sorry to say goodbye to Xie Tianen,More holy kindness,If there are new enamel objects,Reward one, two,With the greed of a full minister。I have no fear。Yongzheng year on February 12。”在年羹尧的折子上,雍正皇帝在“With the greed of a full minister”这句话的“贪”字旁朱笔画圈,在折尾空白处,雍正帝的朱批曰:“珐琅之物尚无暇精致,将来必造可观。I am giving you several things now, but if you do not use the word "greedy", I will not give you any of them。Among them, the sentence "enamel objects are not yet exquisite, and they will be considerable in the future" shows that Emperor Yongzheng is full of confidence in the development of enamel porcelain。


       年羹尧在得到这次赏赐之后,于这年的二月三十日、三月初三日、四月十一日、四月二十二日,又接二连三地被赏赐以enamel瓷器。On April 24, Yongzheng Year 2, Nian Shi said in his memorial on Shangshu,Yongzheng year April 22 from the Yi Zhai to the imperial minister imitation enamel teacups two boxes, minister kowtow only received。伏覩此种窑器,颜色清丽,制作精雅,实不让前代之五彩佳品也!岳钟琪于四月十五日领兵进剿番贼,俟其事后回宁,臣当宣旨赏给四个另行谢恩外,所有感激微忱,谨缮摺恭谢以闻。April 24, Yongzheng, 2000。虽然此时雍正皇帝频频用enamel瓷器赏赐重臣,但直到雍正四年,雍正皇帝对enamel瓷器的生产情况并不满意。如清代档案记载,“雍正四年八月十九日,郎中海望奉旨:此时烧的珐琅活计粗糙,花纹亦俗,嗣后尔等务必精细成造。钦此。”雍正六年以后,在雍正皇帝的直接干预下,随着造办处自炼珐琅料的成功,和愈来愈多的宫廷书画家参与enamel瓷器的绘画和写字,enamel瓷器的生产遂取得较快发展。从当时造办处档案记载来看,雍正六年,造办处新炼的珐琅料有月白、白、黄、浅绿、亮青、蓝、松绿、亮绿、黑等九种颜色。新增珐琅料有软白色、香色、淡松黄色、藕荷色、浅绿色、酱色、深葡萄色、青铜色、松黄色等,共九样。造办处自炼珐琅料的成功,不仅摆脱了enamel瓷器生产因依靠进口料而可能产生的捉襟见肘的窘态,而且新增加的彩色品种亦可使画珐琅人在表现物像时更加得心应手。据造办处档案记载,当时的宋七格是负责炼料全部工作的,邓八格是具体操作的,胡大友是吹釉的,吴书是技术人员。In addition, Yijin Wang Yunxiang, Haiwang, Shen Yu and Tang Ying are mainly responsible for management。其中特别值得一提的是唐英,据档案记载,雍正六年正月初九日,内务府造办处召募各作匠艺人十三名,
      Prince Shen Yu and Prince Tang Yingqiyi were given two taels of silver each month。Then "On February 22, six years, Bai Tang Asong seven Ge and other Yi Prince's command: burning enamel.。遵此。于本日员外郎沈嵛、唐英说:‘此系怡亲王着试烧珐琅料所用钱粮物料,另记一档,以待试烧完时,再行启明入档。'Sent this day to the seven kingdoms of Berthang Ason。Yongzheng 6th July,Tang Ying once for painting enamel man Lin Chao-kai because of illness can not work to open the Yi prince,That is, July 11, the sixth year of Yongzheng,Prince Tang Ying Kai Yi,Lin Chao-kai, a disciple of Lang Shining, has phthisis,It has been submitted several times,Ask back to Guangdong recuperation,Wait until you are well,Come back to Beijing as an officer,The illness is getting serious now,Can't walk on duty and so on。By the king's command, take him back。In August of the sixth year of Yongzheng, Tang Ying was sent to Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory to manage ceramics。由于唐英供职内务府多年,在enamel瓷器的烧造方面有着丰富的经验,对雍正皇帝的审美趣味和宫中生产enamel瓷器需要什么样的白瓷胎亦了如指掌,因此他到景德镇后,向宫廷造办处提供了大量供烧enamel瓷器用的白瓷胎。


      From the archives of the office, Yongzheng three to five years, painting enamel people have Song Sanji, Jingdezhen porcelain painting craftsman。There are also Zhang Qi and Kuang Linan, who are craftsmen who paint copper enamels in Guangdong。而从雍正六年开始,即有贺金昆、戴恒、邹文玉、汤振基、谭荣等一批画院画家参与瓷胎画珐琅工作,其中画得好的曾多次得到雍正皇帝的赏赐。On the 28th day of October, tenth year of Yongzheng, the treasurer and chief Li Mingjiu were ordered
      Enamel painting green landscape is very good。钦此。On the 28th of December, Paitang A Dunpadge and Song Qigge spoke。
Interior Minister Hai Wang encyclal: Zou Wenyu painted enamel, several times the emperor Kua good, should be made with this office Treasury silver award to twelve。遵此。From the archives of the manufacturing office, Emperor Yongzheng very much appreciated the two enamel varieties of ink painting and blue landscape painting with a single color。As for those who write the base for enamel porcelain,


Less half of the Dai Lin selected poems to write, the ground chapter or natural color with green bamboo, or light red, or what color with burning enamel。钦此。On August 14, the poem green bamboo bowl was painted。It is worth mentioning that in the eight years of Qianlong, Tang Ying was ordered to edit: where there are twenty, the text description is also written by Dai Lin。
           Tang Ying to Jingdezhen royal kiln factory, in addition to the production office to provide white porcelain, but also recommend painting people to the production office to serve。如“雍正七年闰七月初九日,据圆明园来帖内称:怡亲王交年希尧送来画珐琅人周岳、吴士琦二名……于本月初十日将年希尧送来画珐琅人所食工银一事,郎中海望启怡亲王。According to the king's order for the time being Xiyao family, try to set on time。钦此:当时负责淮安关税务的年希尧只是遥领景德镇窑务,这些画画人名义上是年希尧送来的,实际上是由唐英挑选的。唐英本人就是画家,经他挑选的画画人,善画是一方面,更重要的是具备在瓷器上绘画的丰富经验,这些人进入造办处后,经与宫廷画家切磋配合,使enamel瓷器的生产日趋精进。


        从传世品看,雍正时期的enamel瓷器除了少数如康熙朝enamel瓷器那样以色地装饰外,大多是在洁白如雪的釉面上直接彩绘。The shape of the utensils are bottles, bowls, plates, dishes, cups, etc., all meaningful and elegant, the fetal body is light and light, and some reach the degree of semi-fetal。The majority of these white porcelain bodies were specially provided by the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory at that time, except for the Yongle white porcelain in the Ming Dynasty collected by the Qing Palace。其中雍正七年一次就提供四百六十件,是历次当中最多的一批,这就是档案记载的“雍正七年二月十九日,怡亲王交有釉水瓷器四百六十件,系年希尧烧造。Langzhong Haiwang in the king's command: put away。遵此。This day, 460 pieces of porcelain were delivered to the seventh block of Bertang Asong。On 14 August 2007, three pairs of enamelled porcelain bowls, two pairs of enamelled porcelain dishes and four pairs of enamelled porcelain wine rounds were made。Painted enamel painted on the sixth day of September,

         Yongzheng enamel porcelain in pattern decoration,Kangxi enamel only painted flowers,A monotonous situation with flowers and no birds,A large number of flowers and birds, flowers, bamboo stones, landscape and other patterns depict the style of courtyard painting,In the blank of the picture, the calligraphy is very fine and the content is elegant,And there is a Zhu wen idle chapter in the capital of the poem,At the end of the sentence, either the two sides are Zhu Wen, or the top is Bai Wen and the bottom is Zhu Wen。Yongzheng enamel porcelain has truly become an art treasure that combines porcelain making technology with poetry, books, paintings and printing。
雍正enamel瓷器的外底均署年款,以蓝料彩“雍正年制”四字双行宋錾体印章式款最为多见,款外围以双方框,框线外粗内细,极其规整,很像是用刻好的图章印上去的。There are also a few artifacts of the same style as above, but without boundary bars。雍正enamel瓷器也有署青花款的,所见有“雍正御制”四字双行外围双方框和“大Emperor Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty年制”六字双行外围双圆圈。Blue and white can only be written on the porcelain before glazing。2002年香港佳士得拍卖一件雍正蓝地enamel花卉纹“万寿长春”浅碗,四字分别题写于外壁四个花朵的中心,外底青花双方栏内署“雍正御制”四字双行款。 乾隆时期enamel瓷器的艺术水平总的来说要逊于雍正时期,这或许与宫廷珐琅作内人员更替和缺乏有关。据造办处档案记载,“乾隆元年三月十七日,首领吴书来说:乾清宫总管苏培盛交小太监何德禄、王成祥、杨如福、魏青奇四名。Edicts: to enamel to do learning to burn enamel。钦此”。“乾隆元年四月十四日,催总默参峨为画珐琅人不足用,另欲将画珐琅人张维奇情愿进内当差,照例行取银粮,每月工食银五两,二、八月衣服银十八两,回明内大臣海望、监察御史沈嵛、员外郎三音保准行。In this note, these two data show that the Qianlong first year of the office of enamel work is due to the shortage of new people。 The white body used in Qianlong enamel porcelain is still provided by Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory。如造办处档案记载,“乾隆元年五月初二,太监毛团传旨:着海望寄信与员外郎唐英,另将烧造珐琅之白磁器烧造些来。钦此”。During the Qianlong period, much of the painting and baking of enamel porcelain was done in the enamel work of the Beijing Palace Manufacturing Office。But there are exceptions,As recorded in the archives of the office, on June 25, Qianlong three years, the eunuch Gao Yu exchanged 174 pieces of magnetic apparatus。传旨:交与烧造瓷器处唐英……再五彩珐琅五寸磁碟一件,五彩珐琅暗八磁碗一件,收小些,亦烧造。钦此”。Obviously, the above colorful disk, magnetic bowl is in the Jingdezhen royal kiln factory to complete the painting, baking these two processes。乾隆时期enamel瓷器的装饰题材较雍正时更加丰富,除山水、花卉、花鸟外,还有中国或西洋人物,以及受西方“洛可可”艺术风格影响的各种洋花图案。The newly added enamel porcelain of various colors, colors and colors are illuminated, and the patterns are complex, leaving no blank space and no poems。雍正时盛行的诗、书、画、印相结合的白地enamel瓷,此时继续生产,所题诗句和所用闲章与雍正时大同小异。Painting rose, bamboo stone title "Jinjie Tingting thousand feet green, fragrant branch long accounted for four times spring"。Welcome the first with "Xiangcai" Zhu Wen idle chapter, the end of the sentence with "Binran" Bai Wen idle chapter, Junzi "Zhu Wen idle chapter。
Painting pomegranates, orioles often question "new branches contain light green, Xiao Calyx scattered light red"。Greet the first with "beauty" Zhu Wen idle chapter, the end of the sentence with "Jin Cheng", "Xu Ying" are Zhu wen idle chapter。Painting landscape often titled "Pujing fishing boat far, flowers fly firewood road fragrance"。Welcome the first with "longevity such as" Zhu Wen idle chapter, the end of the sentence with "mountain high" white Wen idle chapter, "water long" Zhu Wen idle chapter。关于乾隆enamel瓷器的年款,凡是诗、书、画、印相结合的enamel瓷,一般为“乾隆年制”四字双行蓝料彩印章式宋椠体或楷体款,围以外粗内细的双线方框,框线也有个别内、外粗细基本一致的。器之较小者,如小瓶、小杯等,由于底部署款之空间狭小,所署蓝料彩四字双行宋椠体或楷书款则不加框栏。有一种蓝料彩四字双行篆书款,外围双线方框,框线外粗内细,多见于瓶类器上,由于这种器物所绘图案较繁密,故没有题诗和闲章,器内和足内均施松石绿釉,款署于松石绿釉地上。
         The most concentrated place for the collection of Kang, Yong and Gan enamel porcelain of the three dynasties in the original Qing Palace is the Gan Qing Palace.
珐琅没有大的器物造型,绝大多数是盘、碗、杯、瓶、盒、壶,其中碗、盘最多,只是每一品种都有不同的变化。In addition, there is a variety of Yixing purple sand pottery outside painted enamel color, which is also rare。Enamel porcelain in the production of fetal quality is very particular。The wall is extremely thin, uniform, and tightly integrated。在如此的胎质上又施釉极细,釉色极白,釉表光泽没有桔皮釉、浪荡釉,更没有棕眼的现象,确可用“白璧无瑕”来赞誉。
   Enamel porcelain is characterized by fine porcelain, color material dignified, bright and beautiful color, delicate painting。The production of enamel porcelain was extremely laborious, and it disappeared after Qianlong。Most of Kangxi's enameled porcelain were regular sketches of passionflower and peonies, with flowers and no birds, which seemed monotonous。Yongzheng mainly uses flower patterns, landscapes and figures。At that time, it was particularly prominent that the picture was matched with the corresponding poem。雍正时这些题诗的书法极佳,并于题诗的引首、句后配有朱文和白文的胭脂水或抹红印章,其印面文字又往往与画面及题诗内容相配合,如画竹的用“
Sub-chapter;Painting landscape with "mountain high", "water long" chapter;Painting plum blossoms with "first spring chapter, etc。enamel瓷器可以说秉承了历史上中国陶瓷发展以来的各种优点,从拉胚、成型、画工、用料、施釉、色彩、烧制的技术上几乎是最精湛的。在乾隆时期出现了很多极其优秀的陶瓷作品,但enamel在制作程序和用料上是其他众多品种无法比拟的。画工也不是一般的窑工,而是皇宫里面顶尖的专业画师,所以这些器物可以代表当时最高的艺术水平,最高的工艺水准
Porcelain: porcelain thin, repair rules, intact, mostly small pieces, more than a foot are rare。
Shape: Mostly for bowls, bottles, bongs and other small daily porcelain, and animal ornaments。


Bottom glaze: pure white glaze, neither green nor yellow, smooth and clean glaze without defects。
Enamel color。The color is very bright and soft, rarely for pure color and pastel-type coupling color。There are many colors, and seven or eight colors can appear on the same thing, as many as ten kinds。
Color characteristics。Each pattern is made up of a variety of colors。Its color surface is smooth and glassy reflective, and sometimes it can reflect clam light, which is very beautiful。釉料均凸出底釉略高出一毫米左右,有明显的立体感,闭眼用手摸可明显感觉到,若用十倍放大镜看可在每一片小花、小叶上看到极小的开片纹。This phenomenon is not visible to the naked eye, and this is the most important feature。Pastels, on the other hand, do not feel bulging。
   Literacies: Literacies in the Kangxi period were once forbidden to write。


The painting of enamel porcelain is its essence。The body, color and shape of enamel porcelain can not escape the shadow of other colored porcelain at the same time, but the painting has its unique side。Most of the enamel paintings come from the paper and silk paintings of the court。据记载,从康熙到乾隆画供奉纸画的名画家众多,其中最为著名的有:王原祁、蒋廷锡、郎世宁(意大利西洋画家)冷梅、唐岱、高其佩、袁江、董邦达、金廷标、李世倬、沈晖、袁瑛、王敬铭、钱维城等等。The paintings of these famous painters are carefully depicted on enamel porcelain, both in form and spirit, and each has a different style。
      The development of enamel painting has its own characteristics of The Times。Most of the enamel painting in Kangxi time was modeled after the color pattern of enamel painting in copper tire。Most of the contents are peonies, lotus, okra, and sketched flowers。The composition is to pay attention to the symmetrical rules of the pattern, large flowers and leaves, simple content, lack of vitality。这时彩色质地的衬托就显得非常有用,质地有红、黄、蓝、白等各种颜色,但所有色彩和绘画都在器物外面,内壁洁白。Uniform application of color is the biggest characteristic of Kangxi enamel color。
        雍正初年时enamel绘变化不大,构图仍是呆板的对称,但写生画开始多了起来,有了些活力,背景地仍是胭脂红、黄、蓝、白等色。In the middle period of Yongzheng, the Gongbi painting of "courtyard painting" became popular in the whole society and was appreciated by the Yongzheng Emperor。enamel瓷器的画工们迎合皇帝的好恶,在enamel瓷器上以 “院画”为底稿,开始“勾、画、皱、染”,这也是enamel瓷器独有的。绘画题材多为寓意深刻的芙蓉鸳鸯、灵芝水仙、锦鸡牡丹、梅兰竹菊、翠竹麻雀、秋树八哥等,更有各种山水楼阁画面。因为雍正本人喜欢水墨及设色山水,所以这些画中就有用赫,墨、蓝单色或两种颜色画的,极为淡雅清丽。The "Group butterfly diagram" is a collection of all colors in one, it is said that there are 36 colors。After all, it is a paper and silk painting. These paintings are painted directly on porcelain as white as snow, and some are painted on colors, but the design is very exquisite。At this time, most of the objects were still painted inside, and a few were painted outside with color。At this time also occasionally see "ash heap" painting。

Kangxi enamel bowl, turnover of 200 million。刷屏。

Therefore, it is necessary to popularize the relevant knowledge: enamel porcelain。

1.Enamel color porcelain, the Republic of China customary name: Guyuexuan。The exact cause is unknown。It's just a story that's been kept alive to this day。In the past ten years or so, Guyue Xuan has been gradually abandoned, and the unified writing is: enameled porcelain。

2.大致在清代康熙时,从西洋传入一种名贵的宫廷用品,即在金、银、铜等器物的胎质上画enamel,如皇帝文具和嫔妃化妆器皿,精巧玲珑,深受皇室欣赏。So he ordered the office to copy。

The manufacturing office subsequently produced a variety of gold tire painting enamel, copper tire painting enamel, and material tire (glass) painting enamel。

At that time, porcelain was in a period of high development, so the practice of enamel color soon appeared on porcelain。

Emperor Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty 


Enamel color ink bamboo picture bowl 

高7.58cm caliber 16.1cm foot diameter 4cm

Shanghai Museum

Qianlong of Qing Dynasty 


Enamel painted bamboo chrysanthemum quail picture bottle 

高19.15cm caliber 5.55cm foot diameter 6.2cm 

Shanghai Museum

3.康熙二十年(1681年),臧应选以工部侍郎中的名义,到景德镇驻厂督造瓷器,在他的主持下,用进口洋料与景德镇瓷胎相结合,生产出了瓷胎画珐琅新品种。Enamel porcelain was born。

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