Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Clear snow boat end stone gourd inkstone

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The inscription is "Wushi Hu", and the back inscription is "Duan Xi shard is shaped like Hu Hu, and the phase material is cut and tired Kun 铻。Great respect Xi will float rivers and lakes, pine clouds Wei splash dew。Longwen Baidendrobium Huan phase, but suitable for Baofan swivel。Snow Boat ", with box, with Japanese packaging
Source: Morita Kazudo Old collection

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

Address: Henan ProvinceArt and Art Museum, one floor, North Gate of the North District of the World Collection, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City   Contact number:400—829—9007

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